Courage and Memory: Bridging Holocaust Education with Commemoration of October 7th
In this innovative lecture, Adi employs cutting-edge methods such as a 360-degree tour of the October 7th burnt vehicles compound and Nova. She discusses October 7th through the lens of a Holocaust educator, incorporating her extensive knowledge and beliefs about commemorations. Adi’s use of Jewish philosophy allows her to view October 7th from a perspective that emphasizes strength through courage and memory.
I Remember
The memory of the Holocaust is facing a serious challenge as it must remain both relevant and personal. This must be a high priority so that the younger generations will keep it alive.Â
In my presentation, I discuss the idea of memory, and show what and how we can learn from the Holocaust. It is expressed  in a manner that is personal and meaningful, so we can become better individuals who are active against the wrongs in our world.
Miracles- Passover During the Holocaust
Passover is the holiday in which we remember and relate to our children, the great miracles that God had bestowed upon our people, leading us to freedom and giving us the Land of Israel. What can the miracles of Passover teach us about they way we remember the Holocaust? How did the Jews observe the holiday in the Ghettos and the extermination camps? These questions raise interesting theological discussions about the way we understand Jewish History, the role of God, and from that we can learn about the secret of our Humanity and our responsibility in this world.
The Strength of Love:
Humanity & Altruism
The life of the victims and Survivors of the Holocaust can teach us about the way love affects the world. By understanding that, we can clarify the way we see the nature of humanity- this effects our most basic beliefs about ourselves and our possibilities in this world.
Once we reveal these beliefs, we can learn how to educate the next generations to acts of good Altruism which can make this world a much better place.
Next Year in Jerusalem
A lecture about the Holocaust in honor of Jerusalem Day
For thousands of years the Jewish people have remembered Jerusalem and never gave up hope of returning. "Next Year in Jerusalem" will discuss the meaning of Jerusalem for the victims of the Holocaust, and for the Survivors as they return to life. The significance of this connection holds an important message for humanity today.
Bring Light into the Darkness- Hannukah during the Holocaust
Hear inpiring stories about the way the Jewish people during the Holocaust celebrated Hanukkah (the Jewish festival of light) but also, found a way to bring light into that dark chapter in history.
This understanding can help us spread light - in our personal lives, and the world.
Jewish Resistance
During the Holocaust the Jewish people were facing 3 options: Passivity, collaboration and Resistance. In my lecture about Resistance during the Holocaust I discuss the meaning of the Jewish resistance- a story about Strength and true Heroism which can teach us so much that is relevant for our everyday life.